How to Realistically Organize Your Fridge

using plastic containers to organize the fruit in your fridge

ou know when you see those perfect Pinterest fridges online? You know, the fridges where everything has been removed from the original packaging and placed in aesthetically pleasing containers. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't obsessed with these fridges, but I am also a practical human and can't help but wonder where the extra OJ goes that doesn't fit into the container; there is a zero percent chance there is never overflow and when there is, what happens?! In my opinion, the full aesthetic of your organized fridge is gone out the window - unless you have a second fridge. But also, who wants to run out to fridge number two to replenish your glass OJ container?! Aren't we into simplifying our lives too?! I am so I'm here to show you how to organize your fridge in a way that's realistic to maintain.

organizing your fridge using a turntable and plastic containers

The Holy Grail of Fridge Organization

I’m starting with my number one suggestion for your fridge organization. We are doing this at the beginning because if there is anything you take away from this post, I want it to be this turntable. This thing is magic, first of all, there will be no more digging around to look for things in the back – it can do a full 360 (pictured below). Secondly, with this turn table, you’re using space to the full extent – no square centimetre of your fridge will be wasted. My serious obsession. In fairness to the lazy Susan, I still love them, but they do not use all the space they could be. Eventually, I will replace them all in my fridge with this turntable.

organizing your fridge using a turntable
organizing your fridge using a turntable


Other Key Organization Items

Clear bins, my friends, are the secret to fridge organization. There’s not much magic to it. But everything looks tidier when it’s in a clear bin. There is no question about it. I mean, check out this fruit drawer. My lemons and limes stay organized, as do my oranges and apples. It’s not complicated, and I don’t need to pre-prep anything.  Although sometimes I do, most of the time, I find when I pre-prep my food goes bad too fast for us. Therefore, I only prep what I know we will eat right away – in this case, it’s just grapes and blueberries. To help yourself with the clear bins, organize like items together in them: all the same fruit, only veggies, and milk products. You get the point. Then if you’re on the hunt for something, you can pull one plastic container out of your fridge and know that is the “milk” container you’re looking through. It’s a time saver, looks cleaner, and helps you know what you have.

Fridge Organizing Gadgets I Swear By

Okay, so in addition to turntables and plastic bins, I am a big fan of three key items: 

  1. Produce containers for your pre-washed fruits so they don’t get soggy and mouldy
  2. Egg holders because I despise egg cartons and don’t know why
  3. Pickle Jar – this has nothing to do with organization and everything to do with not getting your fingers gooped when getting pickles out of a jar. I wanted you to know about it. 

Each of those things makes our fridge (or food retrieval) experience much better. I’ve also always wanted to try these little herb savers, but haven’t done it yet. Not only do they look good, but they may remind me of the herbs I have in the veggie drawer! 

fridge organization veggie drawer